Supply chain Management Courses Nigeria


Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management

Course Overview

Every business requires some kind of purchasing or procurement, transportation and storage of goods and services from point of production to when it gets to the final consumer, this is referred to as a flow. Our logistics and supply chain course introduces you to the basic concept of Plan, Source, Make, Deliver and Return. We will also look at supply chain drivers, key metrics, benchmarking techniques and sustainable supply chain strategies. Globalization trends, technology, unstable global politics do create uncertainties in the external business environment thus affecting businesses beyond their control. The most responsive, resilient and agile supply chain gains the competitive advantage. This course aims at unravelling these concepts and offers participants skills required in having an helicopter view of both internal & external inter/intra company systems/processes and positioning for competitive advantage.


Everyone involved in purchasing and supply needs to know how they can help achieve their organization’s sustainability goals.  This course helps you understand how purchasing can promote sustainability through all the key control points within the procurement cycle. It is a must for anyone new to negotiation. You will learn skills, techniques and tactics to bargain for the best deal, gain the confidence you need to negotiate a price that’s right with suppliers and you will learn how to strengthen your relationships at work, home and in social situations. The training program will give you the specialized knowledge needed for you to help your company to achieve its environmental sustainability goals through global sourcing, materials management, procurement and buying, transportation and logistics, and new product development.


Supply chain integration is good for business.  Traditional procurement methods, based on individual contracts, are rapidly giving way to new networking arrangements in which partners collaborate to enjoy the benefits that integration brings: reduced costs, more confident long-term planning and increased added value at every stage. Integrated supply chain management demands commitment from every part of the network.  Each business unit, internally and externally, needs to take responsibility for planning and managing activities from end to end of the chain.  Any manager working in today’s global supply environment needs to understand the strategic forces involved in chain integration.  And they need to be able to respond to them. This powerful course introduces the skills that every supply chain professional needs, to develop networks that are lean, agile and responsive.

For Whom

Anybody involved in the supply chain who is responsible for managing an integrated supply chain. This program is intended for anyone currently working in, or planning to work in, procurement management, supply management, a purchasing department, or any other area involved with procurement or supply. This Course is highly recommended for the professionals in the following industries: Manufacturing/ Industrial, Oil & Gas, Construction/ Engineering, Financial, Pharmaceuticals. They will include managers from:

  • Purchasing and Procurement
  • Logistics
  • Distribution
  • Production
  • Engineering
  • Sales
  • Marketing

Training Outcomes

By the end of the programme participants will be able to:

  • Be familiar with the basics of purchasing and the purchasing environment in the private sector.
  • Have an understanding of the various approaches, tools, and strategies used in negotiations.
  • Learn the basics of entrepreneurship.
  • Understand the basics of marketing management and the strategies involved in developing a marketing plan
  • Become aware of the basic subjects in the field of price and cost analysis from a purchasing and production perspective
  • Be able to promote recognition and acceptance of professional status for certified people involved in purchasing and supply chain operations among other areas of business management.
  • Be able to develop performance standards and operational guidelines; which can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of purchasing and supply chain.
  • Be able to develop and live by a code of ethical standards for purchasing and supply chain operations under which modern business practices might be more clearly understood and favourably accepted by the public in general.
  • Increase in personal confidence, satisfaction, and pride from direct involvement in purchasing and supply chain operations.
  • Understand the concept of supply chains
  • Demonstrate knowledge of logistics operations
  • Create integrated supply chains using and applying checklists and best practice models
  • Plan and improve existing networks
  • Apply the skills of collaborative working and problem-solving
  • Analyse and evaluate the solutions appropriate to their own business
  • Devise and apply effective performance measures to maintain and improve the supply chain

Benefits & Skill Set to be Acquired

  • Achieving competitive advantage beyond the business model for your organization
  • Entrenching a new industry trend of collaborative initiatives partners as against adversarial/transnational relationships
  • Leveraging on core competence and leveraging on supply chain partners for synergy
  • Understanding critical success factors in supply chain coordination
  • Skills to continually evaluate and re-assess your company supply chain periodically
  • Investigating demand requirements in the supply chain
  • Responsibility of Supply Chain Ownership.

Course Synopsis

The course has been designed to cover the following knowledge areas;

  • The Evolution of the Supply Chain
  • The Basic Supply Chain Structure
  • Supply Chain Drivers
  • Aligning Your Supply Chain with Business Strategy
  • Managing Supply Chain Risks
  • Tracking and Evaluating Supply Chain Data
  • Troubleshooting Supply Chain Problems
  • Sharing Supply Chain Activities
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Strategies
  • Applying Lean Techniques to the Supply Chain
  • The concept of supply chain management-a route to achieving competitive advantage
  • Examples of supply chains –Industry best practice
  • Elements of Supply Chain Performance-Facilities/Inventory
  • management/information/Logistics/Sourcing& Procurement
  • Supply Chain Strategy development for competitive advantage
  • Issues Affecting Supply Chain performance-global supply uncertainties/decreasing product cycle
  • Effect of Supply Chain management & logistics in a company’s VALUE CHAIN
  • Supply Chain Forecasting-The 3Ws-How to mitigate wrong product in the wrong place at the wrong time. Lean thinking
  • Supply Chain Coordination to minimize disruption
  • Measuring Supply Chain Performance-End-to-end visibility, Supply Chain Resilience, etc
  • Challenges of Supply Chain management in Sub-saharan Africa-Nigeria/Ghana and mitigation
  • Logistics management-3PL providers/Transportation/Warehousing/Intermodal transportation/Just-In-Time/Vendor Managed Inventory.


We have Examinations for each package in addition to practical assignments which you must pass before certification. Pass mark is 50%. If you fail any of the exams, you would be required to re-sit it at the cost N3,000 per paper. 

Fees And Program Responsibilities

The course duration is 5 days. The course is delivered in our Full Multi-Media, Air-conditioned Training Laboratory. The course can also be delivered as an in-House Training Program in your premises. 

For in-house training, the minimum number of persons required per class is 6 persons, if you are training a class that is less than 6 persons, your payment may cover payment for 6 persons. We shall execute the program as presented in this schedule with our materials, equipment and instructors, and issue certificates to participants at the end of the program. 

If the training is holding at our Training Laboratory, we shall have tea and lunch breaks during the program. If you want the training to hold in your company premises, you are to provide the training hall and have tea and lunch breaks during the program. If the training location is outside our training centers, an additional cost to cover logistics at such a location will be added to the total cost unless provided or specific arrangement is made by the company.

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