ISO 45001:2018 Certification in nigeria

Certification and Course



ISO Management System Certifications

Safeguard RTL provides ISO Management System Implementation, Auditing, Certification and Surveillance services in partnership with Transparent Neutral Veritas (TNV) Certifications Limited.  TNV is an Independent, Impartial and Proficient Certification Body established as per requirement of IS/ISO/IEC 17021:2011 and accredited by the USA United Accreditation Foundation (UFA), a member of International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (PAC). TNV serves internationally in the field of ISO certification services. It has vision of Occupational Health and Safety Transformation through it Services and it is a Conformity Accredited Body and Associates of JAS-ANZ, DACABCAB, RAB-QSA, IAF MLA, Exemplar Global etc. It has certified various companies in Nigeria, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Taiwan, South Africa, UAE, Qatar, Saudi, USA, Malaysia, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Indonesia, Singapore, Maldives, Italy, Germany, France, Bulgaria etc. Over the years, it has played key role in strengthening the management capacity and development of systems for business operations. Safeguard works in concerts with Standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON) and many other international certification bodies in Nigeria.

ISO 45001:2018 Management System Certifications

ISO 45001 is a global standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems that provides a practical solution to improve the safety and health of both employees and other personnel. This standard has been designed with an intention to be applicable for any company regardless of its size, type and nature. ISO 45001 certification can be presented in a way that displays your organization’s commitment to providing a workplace where the risk of illness or injury to your workers, community or customers is eliminated or minimalized.

ISO 45001 certification will benefit your firm with the help of a systematically structured guide, that will enhance your organization’s performance. The goal of running ISO audits is to not only find non-compliances but also seek to improve the inadequacies, with the ultimate goal of providing your organisation with improved performance and productive results. Implementation of ISO 45001 in your organisation paves a way towards fewer workplace injuries and illnesses through a proactive approach to hazard identification and risk assessment which in turn leads to improved organizational health and safety. With ISO 45001 certification, companies demonstrate that they have taken every crucial step to protect the workers by eliminating ineffective practices which helps the employees to deliver more in a stipulated time due to effective systems in place

We have the knowledge and expertise to help your organizations achieve ISO 45001 certification for the first time, add ISO 45001 certification to an existing one, or migrate from the old OHSAS 18001 to the new ISO 45001:2018 version. If you’re looking for an ISO 45001 consultant, contact us to learn about our process.

What benefits will it bring to your organization? 

ISO 45001 helps: 

  • Improves hazard identification and risk assessment
  • Reduces downtime, overall costs of incidents at the workplace and the number of insurance premiums claimed
  • Acquire globally recognised certification mark
  • Enhances the involvement of leadership and participation from workers
  • Helps in building trust and brand integrity by providing an assurance that your management system qualifies the requirements of the international standard
  • The certification also demonstrates that your management system complies with the international standard
  • Validates the capability of your organisation and provides assurance in proposing profitmaking partnerships

Project Justification

  • Improve public/community relations, image and credibility by attaining certification with ISO 45001
  • Reduce incidents leading to liability, leading to reducing insurance premiums
  • Improve decisions by basing them on data from the Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OH&SMS) 
  • Improve consultation and participation of employees
  • Create a culture of continual improvement of the processes
  • Improve employee engagement toward process improvement

Project Purpose

The purpose of the project is to:

  • Gain ISO 45001 certification
  • Increase compliance with Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) legal and other requirements
  • Ensure control of process hazards that cause risks of OH&S incidents
  • Increase community relations, image and market share of [organization name]
  • Better management of processes, activities, and functions
  • Reduce costs through reduction of accidents and insurance premiums resulting from enhancements identified through continual improvements attained through the ISO 45001 OH&SMS
  • Be more efficient and profitable 
  • Improve communications and morale in the organization 
  • Increase confidence in the production system

Project duration and structure

The implementation project is divided into different phases:

  • Initiation, planning and assessment – project is set and assessment of existing processes is carried out. Gap analysis is performed.
  • Implementation – implementation of OHSMS, i.e. requirements defined in ISO 45001
  • Consolidation – audit and review of the results and comparison to the requirements. Review and corrective action of any problems and set up of ongoing improvement activities

Detailed content of the milestones and respective responsibilities will described in the Project Plan document.

Project Deliverables

The lists of project deliverables and benefits achieved with their implementation are as follows:

Deliverables for OH&SMS leadership & support requirements

The following processes need to be defined, documented, and possibly changed from the current:

  • Commitment of leadership
  • Roles, authorities, and responsibilities of the OH&SMS
  • Documentation and record management (ISO 45001 mandatory documented information)
  • Resources management
  • Establishment and improvement of the OH&SMS

Deliverables for OH&SMS planning & operation requirements 

The following processes need to be defined, documented, and possibly changed from the current:

  • OH&S Policy and OH&S Objectives (ISO 45001 mandatory documented information) 
  • Identification of OH&S hazards & risks 
  • Determination and review of OH&S legal requirements and compliance 
  • OH&S management operational controls 
  • Control of monitoring and measurement equipment processes

Deliverables for evaluation of performance and improvement 

The following processes need to be defined, documented, and possibly changed from the current:

  • Internal audit (ISO 45001 mandatory documented information)
  • Monitoring and measurement of OH&S operational controls 
  • Control of environmental nonconformity (ISO 45001 mandatory documented information)
  • Corrective actions (ISO 45001 mandatory documented information)

Your Responsibilities

In consideration for the above deliverables, you are expected to:

  • Appoint a team led by a member of your management team (the “Contact”), whose responsibilities and authority will be to effectively implement the documentation provided by the Safeguard RTL. 
  • Ensure that the Contact and team members shall complete an ISO 45001:2015 Auditor training, provided by Safeguard RTL. The auditors will along the line be performing Action Audits, Process Performance Audits and Internal Occupational Health and Safety Audits of the company processes in compliance to the Internationally Acceptable Practices after the Certification Process.
  • Obtain and use through the course of this Proposal copies of ISO 45001:2015, Standard and other related ISO documents. 
  • Provide and use PC-compatible Microsoft© products, such as Microsoft© Word, Microsoft© Excel and others for documenting your OHSMS. 
  • Ensure that your company will provide work station(s) with internet services within the organization where Safeguard RTL team can operate from time to time.
  • Understands that successful certification depends, among other aspects, on generation of records to establish evidence of functional OHSMS. Therefore, the Client agrees to conduct and document prescribed by the Safeguard RTL activities.

Terms and Conditions

  • Confidentiality. Safeguard RTL acknowledges that all information related to your business must be regarded as strictly confidential, that it may not be used for any purposes other than those defined in this Proposal. 
  • In no event will Safeguard RTL be liable for any incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages, including any lost profits arising out of the use of or inability to use the Service or documentation. 
  • You agree that Safeguard RTL does not convey any intellectual property rights to the Client, but grants the Client a license to use the documentation under the terms of this Proposal 
  • The laws of Nigeria will govern this Proposal. This Proposal may only be modified by an addendum that has been signed by an authorized representative of Safeguard RTL.

The certification program has a high promise for your organization and is strongly recommended for your approval. We look forward to a beneficial business relationship between our organizations.

Nigeria Learner Amount

Physical: ₦ 140,000

Virtual: ₦ 130,000

Corporate: ₦ 157,500

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Oversee Learner Amount

Physical: ₦ 175

Virtual: ₦ 175

Corporate: ₦ 175

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